Safety Incentive Quiz

The Safety Quiz begins on the first day of the month and expires on the last day of the month.

Please read the Monthly Safety Topic before you take the quiz from the link below. You have one chance to pass the incentive quiz. Duplicate submissions will be deleted. No need to register, but be sure to enter in the form below your name, email, district, and district site to be entered in the incentive drawings. Good Luck!

1. The fungus that causes Valley Fever is present in the soil and inhaled through airborne dust and disturbed soil.

2. Symptoms of Valley Fever may include:

3. Wetting down soil before digging or disturbing dirt, staying upwind of dust-producing activities, staying indoors with windows closed on windy or dusty days, and wearing an N95 mask when working around soil are all preventative measures that can be taken to reduce exposure to Valley Fever.

4. The majority of Valley Fever infections occur during the late summer and early fall.

Thank you!