The joint powers authority, originally called the Self Insurance Program for Employees (SIPE), was established in 1977 to provide the services necessary and appropriate for developing, operating, and maintaining a self-insurance program for workers' compensation claims. A Board of Directors was created consisting of a representative from each member school district. The SIPE Board of Directors established Risk Management Committee to conduct research and develop safety and loss control programs with the overall goal of providing safety and loss control services to SIPE member school districts.
In 1984, the SIPE Board of Directors, in association with the County Office of Education, established a Safety Department with one position as a Safety Officer to assist member school districts in developing safety engineering, loss control, and industrial hygiene programs.
In 1988, the SIPE Board of Directors voted unanimously to establish SIPE as a stand-alone agency separate from the County Office of Education. They also changed the Safety Officer position to a Risk and Loss Control Manager position.
In 1991, the SIPE Board of Directors established a Loss Control Specialist position to work under the direction of SIPE's Risk and Loss Control Manager.
1997 the SIPE Department of Risk Management was renamed the Department of Occupational Health and Safety.
In 1998, the SIPE Board of Directors established a Coordinator of Industrial Hygiene position, and the Loss Control Specialist position was changed to the Coordinator of Occupational Safety and Health.
In 1999, the SIPE Board of Directors voted unanimously to change the name of the organization from the Self Insurance Program for Employees to the Schools Insurance Program for Employees.
In 2006, the SIPE Board of Directors changed the Risk and Loss Control Manager position to an Executive Director's position, which included additional responsibility for the overall management of the SIPE program.
To administer the Joint Powers Agreement pursuant to the provisions of the California Government Code, Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5, Article 1, Section 6500-6515 (Joint Powers Agreements) Section 990.8 of the Government Code (insurance by two or more public entities), and Sections 35214, 39603, 81602 and 81603 of the Education Code relating to the joint exercise of powers between school districts and community colleges.
- To provide a self-insurance plan for workers' compensation claims against SIPE member school districts.
- To provide legal representation for workers' compensation claims.
- To provide services as may be necessary for the payment and handling of workers' compensation claims.
- To provide safety engineering, loss control, environmental, and industrial hygiene services.
- To provide safety and risk management research and development through the SIPE Risk Management Committee.
- To sponsor educational programs to benefit and enhance all district safety programs.
- To provide a third-party claims administrator for payment, investigation, and claims litigation.
The SIPE Board of Directors consists of one representative from each member school district, constituting a current board membership of twelve. The agency's officers include the President, Vice President, and Secretary, who also serve as an executive committee to provide direction to the Executive Director.
The Board of Directors has two sub-committees: the Personnel Policies and Bylaws Sub-Committee and the Financial and Investment Sub-Committee.
The Risk Management Committee works closely with the Executive Director to administer SIPE Safety and Loss Control Programs and establish an annual budget for research and development in safety, loss control, and risk management.
The Risk Management Committee has four sub-committees: Transportation Safety, Disaster Preparedness, Risk Management and District Safety Committee Conference, and Finance.